Monday, January 23, 2017


Ever wondered what your dog was thinking? Us too! So this week we finally decided to sit down and just ask them. Keep reading on to see TRIO dogs answer the important questions in life! 

Dog: Kacie Abigail
Owner: Alyssa Gipper, Marketing Assistant

Q: Hi Kacie! So excited to sit down and finally talk to you. I know you’re a busy dog, so first question, how would you describe yourself?
A: hey my name is Kacie Abigail. For sum reason, my family calls me Kacie Boogers. they’re all a buncha weirdooos, believe me, im the normal one. My human sistr, Alyssa, told me that im adopted. I cried. When I asked my mom about it she told me it was true, that I came from the Amish. my family loves me so much tho, like a 'smother to death' kind of love. if i had to describe myself in two words they would be adorable n fantastic. I’m a pretty low key girl n don’t get excited about much. I’ve learned if I just lay around and be cute, my family comes to me, i never have to get up or move from my nappin spot. livin the dream.

Q: That sounds like a beautiful family. Kind of going off of that, do you have a name for your human and why?
A: i live in the country with my mom n dad, but my human sistr comes to visit me all the time. Sometimes i miss her, but then she comes home and lays on me n smothers me and gets really annoying really quick. On those days, i call her “that annoying blonde girl” 

Q: Your sister, the annoying blonde girl, is the marketing assistant here at TRIO. If you had a job, what would it be?
A: i heard theres a job out there where you just get to taste food all day. Is that a reall thing? I like food... human food, treats, but my favorite is the dead animalls i find in the timber or in the yard. a good deer leg? mmmmm mmmm

Q: Your passion inspires us all. Next question, why are you so excited to eat the same food day after day for years?
A: i have to share food with a bunch of cats that live in my dog condo wit me. The cats go bonkers every mornin when my dad fills our food dish. i usually let them eat first and snack on my dead animal i saved from the day before 

Q: Wonderful, wonderful. Finally Kacie, what is your purpose in life?
A: (“mom, what does purpose mean?” …. “oh ok”) my purpose in life is to make my family happy by being there for them. i know my mom and dad miss my 5 human siblings alot, sometimes my mom gets sad, so we hug alot and i do weird goofy stuff to make her laugh. “that annoying blonde girl” calls alot too and we talk on the phone, she’s okay i guess

Thank you so much for your time, Kacie! That was very insightful, and we hope you have a good life!

Dog: Drake 
Owner: Emily Perry, Account Supervisor 

Q: Hello Drake! So excited to finally get to know you as an individual. How would you describe yourself?
A: Mom would describe me as naughty... but I would say I am helpful! I help pick things up off the floor for her (like socks, gloves, papers, etc.) and run around until she gives me a treat. I am a very friendly, outgoing dog who enjoys meeting new people and making new dog friends!

Q: Wow, your owner must be so grateful for your help around the house. Do you have a name for your humans, and why?
A: Mommy and Daddy, because they baby me and spoil me constantly.

Q: Absolutely precious. Your mom, Emily Perry, is the Account Supervisor here at TRIO. If you had a job, what would it be?
A: I would be a model! My big smile and symmetrical markings make me very photogenic. Mom keeps saying it's about time for me to start contributing to the family... keep an eye out for me on stock photo websites!

Q: We definitely will be watching out for those stock photos! Next question, why are you so excited to eat the same food day after day for years?
A: I’m not, and recently I've been rebelling! Here's the secret... if you pretend to be disinterested in your food, your mom might put some parmesan cheese on it to make it tastier! 

Q: I’m sure dogs all over the world are really going to appreciate that tip. Last question, what is your purpose in life?
A: To entertain my parents and provide them with kisses and cuddles at their demand! Also, to be a world champion tennis ball-fetcher! 

Thank you for answering our questions, Drake! Good luck in all your future endeavors! 

Dog: Gunner
Owner: Renee Schneider, President

Q: Hi Gunner! Now that you get to share your thoughts with the world, how would you describe yourself?
A: Sassy and free-spirited. I tend to talk to my family a lot (hey, I have a lot to say!) but sometimes it comes across like I am telling them off! Whoops!

Q: Hey freedom of speech, am I right? If you had a job, what would it be?
A: A hunter. Duh! I'd hunt anything really. Of course, my family has been in the pheasant hunting biz for generations, but I have been known to chase fish that I see swimming in the lake and I can track down deer antlers from miles around!

Q: Speaking of family, what is your name for your humans and why?
A: hmmm. I never really thought about it. Mom and Dad, I guess!

Q: Short and sweet, I like it. Next question, how are you so excited to eat the same food day after day for years?
A: My parents have taught me to eat a healthy balanced diet to maintain my slender figure. I don't really mind eating the same thing everyday because I often find snacks on the floor to crave my sweet tooth.

Q: Don’t we all. Finally, what is your purpose in life?
A: My purpose? It's to keep Lily's bed warm while she's at school and terrorize the chickens in the backyard. I live a simple, but fulfilling life.

Thank you for your time and for letting us into your beautiful brain, Gunner! 

Dog: Rowdy
Owner: EJ Whitmer, Account Manager

Q: Hello, Rowdy! You’re definitely one of the strangest dogs we’ve met and we’re very anxious to finally find out why. How would you describe yourself?
A: Incredibly handsome, obviously. Humble, definitely. Energetic. Happy. Much smarter than the cat. Much cooler than the cat. Much prettier than the cat.

Q: Your mom EJ is the Account Manager here at TRIO. If you had a job, what would it be?
A: Is cuddling a job? Can I do that? Or … A competitive eater! Or … a tooth model. Because snaggle teeth and underbites are all the rage.

Q: What is your name for your human, and why?
A: Mommy! Because she loves me and holds me and feeds me and dresses me up and when Daddy works nights, she lets me sleep in bed with her and sets her alarm for ten minutes before Daddy gets home so she can send me to my kennel before we get caught!

Q: Why are you so excited to eat the same food day after day for years?
A:  I had never known anything different. Kibble is bae. But then Mommy had a baby and what he steals from me in attention is returned to me in table scraps thrown from his high chair. Last night I had half a banana, tater tots, string cheese and alfredo noodles!

Q: Finally, what is your purpose in life?
A: Well, my Mommy hasn’t had to sweep her kitchen floors in months. That’s my job. Is it my purpose? Possibly. That combined with keeping laps warm and faces bathed in my slobber.

Thank you, Rowdy, for your time and strangeness. May you live long and prosper. 

Dog: Cosmo
Owner: Julia Anderson, Account Coordinator

Q: Hey, Cosmo. You’re so quiet we sometimes forget you’re in the office. Now that you have a chance to voice up, would you like to describe yourself?
A: I’m a rather poised dog. I remain calm in all situations so the humans don't worry. You could call me the solid foundation of the Brownie family. 

Q: What a noble calling. If you had a job, what would it be?
A: I do have a job. I take care of my human. She tends to forget about me but I mean who would supervise her eating and restroom habits if I weren't around. Lately, she's been rather selfish with her share of the bed, we are working on her training with that. 

Q: Humans are rather stubborn creatures. What is your name for your human, and why?
A: People call my human Julia. I find that rather offensive as when I decided to guide her home that fateful day in the shelter I named her Brownie. Brownie not only sounds delicious, matches her appearance, but she eats a lot of them. 

Q: Speaking of brownies, why are you so excited to eat the same food day after day for years?
A: Brownie mixes my food up monthly. Fish flavor, Beef flavor, Veggie flavor, it goes on. Wait are you saying dogs eat the same food EVERYDAY, those sad beings.

Q: Food is a privilege, isn’t it? Finally, what is your purpose in life?
My purpose, well let's ponder this a while.... Sleep, my purpose is to sleep, so she can sleep. I take care of her...Brownie that is.

Alright, Cosmo. Thank you so much for your nuggets of wisdom. 

Online Reviews: How to get them and can you have too many?

The most public online forum, and the most important elements of your online reputation is Google. We all know how important customer reviews are (the good and the bad) and we know that your business needs them. But how do we get them? What if you have them, but may have too many reviews…is there such a thing? Click here to find out how to boost your Google+ review plan.
Google owns the world and has been the go-to search engine for years. Now, it has become a top resource for individuals who do their research before buying a product or service. Through Google’s social media component, Google+, consumers can rate and review businesses that will appear on the search engine. Though this platform is consumer-driven, business owners should not feel helpless over what is posted. Instead, direct your consumers to Google as a public display of customer satisfaction.

How to get Google Reviews?
Ask! – There is no shame in directing your customers to a public outlet to share their experience with your company. Similar to hosting a customer satisfaction survey, Google Reviews act as a medium for your customers to give honest feedback. By conducting your customer reviews on a public forum, you are sharing complete transparency, and taking the “bull by its horns” with the uncensored experiences that many business owners dread. If this notion scares you, it may be time to revisit your customer service. Place a Google+ Reviews button on your website so customers can easily find your Google Page!
Incentivize! – We live in a day of age where we rarely go out of our way unless there is something in it for us. This is where incentives come into play! Like a traditional customer service survey, consumers are often prompted to call a number or visit a website with the chance to win a grand prize. This age-old tactic works with Google Reviews as well. We have a client who offers $5 to anyone who writes a review – good or bad. Other companies have monthly drawings for a larger dollar amount, offer a gift card to their store, or give reviewers a chance to win a trip! Google Reviews are too often anonymous, leaving customer service representatives with few options to follow up with their customer. Incentives will drive them to put their contact info on the review, something invaluable when it comes to solving customer service concerns.
Respond! – People are more apt to write Google Reviews on companies that manage their online reputation because they know their voice is being heard. Yes, even respond to the nastiest, ugliest, hairiest post that a reviewer has shared. People are voicing their experience on the Internet because they want to be noticed by both your company and the public. When addressing a negative review, be sure to thank the reviewer for sharing their input and let them know that you are proactively working to correct the problem. Depending on the situation, it may also help to offer them a refund on their current purchase or a coupon on a future visit. In many cases, after the issue is addressed, the reviewer would then respond on their negative post or write a new positive one praising the company for its customer service.

How NOT to get Google Reviews?
Write Them Yourself! – Both Google and your consumers can sniff out “fake glowing testimonies.” Google sees IP addresses. If someone from your place of business writes a review about your company, it will not be shown on the search engine. Google can also see when multiple accounts from the same IP address post. This is a technique that many online reputation management companies use. Consumers also can tell when reviews are fabricated. You know when you see a review that is too good. Indicators include the use of flowery language, calling people by their first and last name, or looks like someone took more than 15 minutes to write. These reviews are detrimental to your company. One phony good review devalues every organic good review your company has gained.
Share Reviews From Other Sources! – If you are new to Google Reviews, you may be tempted to share the stockpile of paper or digital feedback you have received from your customers over the years. Similar to writing them yourselves, if you post multiple Google Review for the same company from the same IP address (especially the IP address that is linked to your company) they will not be approved, and will lower your search engine optimization with Google.

How many is too many?
There is no such thing as “too many” reviews, as long as they are received in a genuine way. As a business owner, you may think that steering people to rate your business online and having an influx of reviews will get you flagged by Big Brother Google or appear like they were obtained in an unethical way. This is not the case.
Like stated above, Google knows how your reviews were received. They track who your reviewer is, what they searched to get to your Google page, and what they wrote (it’s not creepy at all). Therefore, they know who is a genuine reviewer. Don’t be afraid to rack up as many reviews as you can! You have worked hard and deserve them. Your potential consumer who does their research will appreciate the honest feedback that your brand has to offer, and enjoy knowing exactly what they’ll get with the product or service as well as customer service.
Go forth and accrue reviews without fear!
TRIO now has an interactive platform that can help you increase your customer reviews with text and email messaging! Contact TRIO today to find out how you can improve your business’ online reputation with a click of a button!